Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 459

Chapter 459


Chapter 459: Its Not Too Late

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A bitter smile graced Su Jings lips as she absorbed the words spoken to her. She had been so wrong before, she realized. No wonder my brother treats you so well, she said. I finally understand today.

Initially, Su Jing had thought that Gu Zi had seduced Su Shen with her radiant beauty. She was convinced that Gu Zi had married Su Shen with ulterior motives, agreeing to care for his three children as a means to gain his trust and prepare for whatever she had planned next.

But these were all assumptions Su Jing had made. Only now did she understand that her brothers acceptance of Gu Zi was not because of her beauty, but because of who Gu Zi was as a person. Even if Gu Zi wasnt extraordinarily beautiful, she had a certain allure that could captivate any man.

There was a unique power within Gu Zi, a power that allowed her to accept things others couldnt and see advantages others missed.

That was why she had come to Su Shens side  not because she had to, but because she wanted to. She had sincerely accepted his three children, who had no blood relation to her, as if they were her own.

She would never create imaginary enemies for herself like many women did, especially viewing other women or the vulnerable as adversaries.

It was only now that Su Jing understood that Gu Zis attitude towards her had always been about the situation, not the person. Gu Zi had never considered her an enemy.

Gu Zi had her own principles and boundaries, a strong sense of self. She could provide her man with a kind of spiritual support. Who wouldnt be moved by such a woman?

Even Su Jing, a woman herself, was beginning to be moved. Thank you, sister-in-law, for your forgiveness, she thought, keeping the words to herself.

Gu Zi shrugged. Your brother is indeed better at judging people than you are, she said. Lets not talk about this anymore. Im going to bring him lunch later. Would you like to cook a few dishes and come with me? Its not too late to start treating your brother better.

Gu Zi didnt make a conscious effort to mend her relationship with Su Jing, her once estranged sister-in-law. She spoke nothing but the truth. The things Su Jing had done before had been truly hurtful, so it was necessary for her to make amends now by doing more for her brother. After all, actions spoke louder than words, didnt they?

Gu Zi didnt insist that Su Jing accompany her, nor was she worried about leaving Su Jing alone at home. She wasnt concerned about any potential mischief, as the master bedroom she shared with Su Shen was secured with a burglar-proof lock, and all their valuables were stored there.

A faint smile graced Su Jings lips as she listened, suddenly finding her interactions with her sister-in-law, Gu Zi, rather enjoyable. Gu Zi was genuine, and although her words sometimes felt like salt on Su Jings wounds, she appreciated the honesty. It was a price she was willing to pay for her past actions.

Su Jing had a premonition that the words her sister-in-law would speak to her in the coming days would not be pleasant.

After a moments thought, Su Jing asked, Sister-in-law, do we have glutinous rice at home? I could make some fried glutinous rice. My brother used to love it when our mother made it. We were poor back then, and whenever our mother made fried glutinous rice, my brother would ensure that my sister and I ate first. Whatever was left, he would give the larger portion to our mother, only eating a little himself.

Gu Zi was deeply moved by this. She knew that Su Shens actions were born out of a mans responsibility, and she didnt need to ask to know that. It was just the kind of thing Su Shen would do.

She remembered that they did have those ingredients at home. Rising to retrieve the glutinous rice, she took a deep breath. Su Jing followed her, and after Gu Zi brought out the rice, Su Jing scooped some into a ladle to wash it.

Gu Zi suggested, Make a large pot of it. We can share it with the workers. Theyve been busy at the factory recently, and theres a lot of work.

Upon hearing Gu Zis words, Su Jing scooped a few more cups of glutinous rice and took it to wash and steam in the iron pot.

Gu Zi busied herself with other dishes, occasionally glancing at Su Jing. She noticed that Su Jings housework movements were quite skilled. She must have done a fair amount of cooking in the Tian family.

However, Gu Zi remembered Su Shen mentioning that Su Jing never had to do any chores at home. She was surprised to see her willingly take on the role of a cook in someone elses home.

Perhaps meeting Tian Hai was a part of Su Jings growth. Tian Hai was not a good person, but because of him, Su Jing was able to see the truth, rekindle her sibling relationship with Su Shen, and seize the opportunity given by fate.

Not long ago, she had made fried glutinous rice for Su Shen. It was a common dish, especially among the people in the southeast, nothing extraordinary. But that day, Su Shen had been unusually silent as he ate.

